The basic concept of booking was even in evidence, where lasting damage was done to the roster you had to work with.

It had the most sophiscated combat and wildest action of any game yet, along with a handful of other innovations that we take for granted now - such as a real in-game referee and entrance music loaded in from your actual CD collection! Suffice to say, it turned out to be an impractical nightmare that I swiftly abandoned - but the title remained as I settled back into making the best wrestling si m I could. Not in the same sense that we understand "online" multiplayer today, but more of an e-fed where my fans submitted their own characters, which I would dutifully put in the game to create the illusion of them playing against each other! I was making such headway with my website at this point that my instict was to make an "online" wrestling federation. However, the countless breakthroughs that were made seal its place in history as the blueprint for every 2D game followed Federation Online: September Edition can be downloaded here! I awoke one night with the title "Fed On" racing through my head, which was to be an abbreviation of "Federation Online". Given that the game already had a generous selection of managers, referees, and intruders - that made for some crazy scenes! Unfortunately, like all the DIV games, it looks woefully crude compared to the sequel that would follow a year later, and is relatively unplayable. More importantly, the gameplay continued to improve - boasting a new system that allowed for all 12 wrestlers to participate in a match.

There were new characters, new moves, and even new concepts such as building arena improvements. By t he final installmentit was almost an entirely different game!
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This was perhaps the most prolific period of my career, where the creation of games was measured in weeks rather than months! Although it was a case of quantity over quality, many concepts were introduced that live on in my work to this day Federation Online : September Edition My fledgling wrestling simulator went on to receive several monthly updates over the summer of - each offering more and more new features.